Photo Gallery

Capoeira Angola is rooted in a strong sense of community which fuels our minds, bodies and spirits. To stay connected to the larger capoeira community, we regularly host workshops, travel abroad to workshops and conferences, as well as hold monthly rodas. Here are pictures from some of these events.

Workshop with Mestre Silvinho (FICA Seattle). September 2016.


FICA Montreal Open House Week. September 2016.


Roda with Contramestre Fabio at World Social Forum (FICA DC). August 2016.


FICA Philadelphia 20th Anniversary. June 2016.


Birthday Roda for Cate and Elise. November 2015.


Workshop with Mestre Jurandir (FICA BH). February 2016.


End of Year Roda in Memory of Virginia. December 2015.


Workshop with Treinel Fabio (FICA DC). September 2014.



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